Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's Canada!

Yesterday I was unable to update my blog because, well, we were in Canada, and our AMAZING hotel did not allow me internet access. But that is okay, because like I just mentioned, our hotel was incredible. We stayed in The Prince of Wales hotel in Waterton, Alberta. But before I get ahead of myself, I want to recount a funny tale of our border crossing:

When we got to the Canadian border, we were almost through and the guard asks us if we are carrying any weapons or firearms. Of course, we answer "no." We are being cleared to drive away when Tricia takes it upon herself to go "oh!" prompting the guard to stop us again.
Aunt Trish: We have mace...
Guard: Oh...that's not allowed in this country. You're going to have to follow me and fill out a form in order to register it.
(Amy and Kaitlin glare at Tricia and wonder why she said anything at all.)

So Tricia went in and filled out a sheet, and the funniest part is that when asked what the "weapon's" use is (shooting, stabbing, etc.) she checked the "other" box and wrote in "destruction." Yes, apparently now pepper spray is used for DESTRUCTIONNNN!

I thought it was hilarious.

After that little glitch, we got to our wonderful hotel, all lit up in the evening light, and fell completely in love with Waterton. Our hotel sat on a hill at the end of a chain of mountains, between which sat a teal blue lake. Below the hill sat the adorable town of Waterton, very quaint and pretty. Here is a picture of our hotel, and here is a picture of a view from our room first at night, and then in the daytime.

It was stunning. We had a lovely dinner in a restaurant in the hotel, where I had my first full glass of wine (drinking age is 18!), and the next morning we drove into Waterton and had breakfast there at a place called "Zum's."

From there, we traveled back to America, staying in Canada only a mere 14 hours. Our overall purpose of being so far north was seeing Glacier National Park, and it did not disappoint like Yellowstone did. I can't even describe what I saw. No picture could ever do it justice, but I am going to try to at least post as many pictures as I can reasonably post in order to try to convey its beauty.

Do you understand now? Go to Glacier National Park once in your life if you can. It's spectacular.

Well, we are almost ready to finish our trip! We've got one more day left of driving before we reach Uncle Matt and Aunt Jeanie in Portland, Oregon! It's been an amazing trip!

P.S.- Do you want to see our hotel room tonight? It's hilarious--there are THREE queen beds in it, and it was only $65!! And I mean, it's not gross or anything. Here's a picture. It really does make me laugh. I wish my dorm could be like this!!

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