Good morning! (cue my relatives to remark/joke about how early I am up)--
Last night, after a diligent hour or so of planning, Aunt Amy, Aunt Trish, and I have arrived at an approximation of our stopping points! We're not taking a direct route to Portland, as we're trying to get the most out of this trip west. Below is a picture of our scheduled route:

On the list of things we're going to try to see/do (in no particular order because I have forgotten which state is home to what):
-Corn Palace (made entirely of corn husks)
-Devil's Tower
-The Badlands
-Glacier National Park/Prince of Wales hotel in Alberta, CANADA (that would be not America)
-Yellowstone National Park
-Sioux Falls
-Mount Rushmore
And, of course, we are leaving for Chicago today! We've got our hotel lined up in Chi-town, and we're planning on spending the longest there--three days. I'm really excited to see this city.
I know I must be forgetting something that we are trying to see, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. The trip, in total, is 3,200 miles, and would take two days and four hours if we were zombies and made it all in one car ride. However, this itinerary doesn't have us arriving in Portland for another TEN days!
On a totally unrelated side note, it was great to see cousins Mark, Mary, Nicole, and Taylor last night. Also, Julie and Julia was a really cute movie.
All right. Ahead of us is a 12-hour long car ride (the longest of the trip). Time to put on my comfy pants and put my hair up in a ponytail.
This may be the last day I ever find myself in possession of any kind of savings. In ten days, I will be broke. Feel free to donate money.
All my love to everyone!